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The overarching goal of my work is to make collaborative research more accessible to all researchers so they can do more high-impact science. To achieve that goal, I design, develop, evaluate, and disseminate team-science trainings and interventions that help researchers spend more time doing science and less time managing the challenges of collaboration.  

As the Director of Team Science + Research Development at UW-Madison's Carbone Cancer Center and Institute for Clinical and Translational Research, I build infrastructure to support team science. Our Team Science Core delivers seminars and workshops, interventions like Collaboration Planning, and team coaching.   

I hold a PhD in Human Centered Design & Engineering from the University of Washington, where I worked with Prof. Charlotte Lee in the Computer Supported Collaboration Lab. I also hold a Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) from the UW, and a Master of Public Health (MPH) from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. My post-doctoral research was conducted as a Cancer Prevention Fellow with the National Cancer Institute. 

Highlighted Publications

  • Rolland B, Hohl SD, Johnson LKJ. Enhancing translational team effectiveness: The Wisconsin Interventions in Team Science framework for translating empirically informed strategies into evidence-based interventions. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. 2021;5(1):e158. doi:10.1017/cts.2021.825
  • Rolland B, Resnik F, Hohl SD, Johnson LKJ, Saha-Muldowney M, Mahoney J. Applying the Lessons of Implementation Science to Maximize Feasibility and Usability in Team Science Intervention Development. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. 2021:1-20. doi:10.1017/cts.2021.826
  • Rolland B, Scholl L, Suryanarayanan S, Hatfield P, Judge K, Sorkness C, Burnside E, Brasier AR. Operationalization, implementation, and evaluation of Collaboration Planning: A pilot interventional study of nascent translational teams. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. 2021;5(1):e23. doi:10.1017/cts.2020.515 7. 
  • Rolland B, Burnside ES, Voils CI, Shah MN, Brasier AR. Enhancing reproducibility using interprofessional team best practices. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. 2021;5(1):e20. doi:10.1017/cts.2020.512 
  • D'Angelo H, Rolland B, Adsit R, Baker TB, Rosenblum MS, Pauk D, Morgan GD, Fiore MC. Tobacco Treatment Program Implementation at NCI Cancer Centers: Progress of the NCI Cancer Moonshot-Funded Cancer Center Cessation Initiative.Cancer Prev Res. 2019;12(11):735-740. doi:10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-19-0182.
  • Rolland B, Geiger AM. Addressing Challenges in Converting Grant-Funded Infrastructures to Broadly Used Research Resources. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2019;28(10):1559-1562. doi:10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-19-0043.
  • Rolland B, Potter JD. On the Facilitation of Collaborative Research: enter stage left, the Consortium Director. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention. 2017 Nov;26(11):1581-1582.
  • Rolland B, Lee CP, Potter JD. Greater than the Sum of its Parts: A Qualitative Study of the Role of the Coordinating Center in Facilitating Coordinated Collaborative Science. Journal of Research Administration. Summer 2017.
  • Rolland B and Lee CP. Beyond Trust and Reliability: Reusing Data in Collaborative Cancer Epidemiology Research. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), 2013. San Antonio, Texas, USA, ACM: 435-444.
  • Full list via MyBibliography